Privacy Policy

EEA notices and policies

We know that you care about your personal data and how it is used, and we want you to trust that Deep Skin AI uses your personal data carefully. This Privacy Notice will help you understand what personal data we collect, why we collect it and what we do with it. As you read our Notice, please keep in mind that it applies to Deep Skin AI as defined below. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions by sending us an e-mail to We have tried to keep this Notice as simple as possible, but if you are not familiar with terms, such as cookies, IP addresses, and browsers, then please read about these key terms first. You have the right to object to certain uses of your personal data including the use of your personal data for direct marketing. See what are your rights and how you can exercise them view section below titled "What are your rights".

Actors in the collection of data

Any personal data provided to or collected by Deep Skin AI is controlled by Deep Skin AI and any company directly or indirectly related that you are interacting with or have a business relationship with. This Privacy Notice applies to personal data collected by the Deep Skin AI in connection with the services and products we offer. Find out more about us at This Privacy Notice also applies to Deep Skin AI’s marketing content, including offers and advertisements for the products and services, which we (or a service provider acting on our behalf) send to you on third-party websites, platforms and applications based on your site usage information. These third-party websites generally have their own Privacy Notice and Terms and Conditions. We encourage you to read them before using those websites.

Description of data collected

Personal data means any information that can be used to identify directly or indirectly a specific individual. You are not required to provide Deep Skin AI the personal data that we request, but if you choose not to do so, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services, or with a high quality of service or respond to any queries you may have. We may collect personal data from a variety of sources. This includes: Personal data you give us directly, Personal data we collect automatically, and Personal data we collect from other sources Personal data means any information that can be used to identify directly or indirectly a specific individual. This definition includes personal data collected offline (including when you speak to us by phone), direct marketing campaigns, sweepstakes and competitions and online through our websites, applications and branded pages on third-party platforms and applications accessed or used through third-party platforms. You may be asked to provide your personal data when you are in contact with us. The above-mentioned joint data controllers may share this personal data with each other and use it in a manner consistent with this Privacy Notice. We may also combine it with other information to improve our products, services, content, and advertising. You are not required to provide Deep Skin AI the personal data that we request, but if you choose not to do so, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services with a high quality of service or respond to any queries you may have.

Ways in which we collect your personal data

We may collect personal data from a variety of sources. This includes: Personal data you give us directly. We collect data about how you use our services and products, such as the types of content you view or engage with, or the frequency and duration of your activities. We also collect personal data you provide us when you sign up for a marketing newsletter, complete a survey or register for an account to buy our products. In doing so, we may ask for personal data, such as your name, gender, date of birth, address, e-mail address, telephone number or credit card details. Some members of Deep Skin AI may collect "special categories of personal data" about you with your explicit consent. For more information on the special categories of data we collect and how we use it, please refer to the relevant section below.

Personal data we collect automatically

We also receive and store certain types of personal data whenever you interact with us online. For example, we use tracking technologies (to find out more, see our terms of sale) to obtain personal data when your web browser accesses our websites or advertisements and other content served by or on behalf of Deep Skin AI on other websites. Your personal data is also collected when you search, buy, post, participate in a contest or questionnaire or communicate with our customer service teams. Examples of the types of personal data we collect include IP address (to find out more see our terms of sale) device ID, location data, computer and connection information such as browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system, and purchase history – which Deep Skin AI sometimes aggregates with similar information from other consumers. During some of your internet browsing on Deep Skin AI’s websites we may also use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to browse away from the page. We may also collect technical information to help us identify your device for fraud prevention and diagnostic purposes.

Personal data we collect from other sources

We collect personal data from other sources including our trusted partnerships with third-parties and where we operate Deep Skin AI accounts on third-party platforms: For example, when you use the “like” functionality on Facebook or the +1 functionality on Google+. Additionally, we receive information about you and other visitors’ interactions with our advertising to measure whether our advertising is relevant and successful. We also collect information about you and your activities from a third-party when we jointly offer services or products, or from third-party data enrichment providers (to find out more see our terms of sale) who may deliver insights to Deep Skin AI about the personal data we hold.

When and Why we collect "special categories of personal data"

Certain categories of personal data, such as race, ethnicity, religion, health, sexuality genetic or biometric data are classified as “special categories of data” and benefit from additional protection under the European data protection legislation. We limit the circumstances where we collect and process these special categories of data. Deep Skin AI sometimes collects data related to your health such as allergies, pregnancy or skin type to send you tailored ads and relevant promotions. Deep Skin AI only collects and uses this personal data where you have provided us with your consent for us to do so. In some instances, you may have requested services or products that do not directly involve the collection of any special categories of data, but may imply or suggest your religion, health or other special categories of data. To illustrate circumstances where Deep Skin AI collects and processes special categories of data we have provided the following examples: Deep Skin AI collects data about your skin conditions, including through images of your face. We may also place cookies on the sign-up page which capture this information too. For more information on Deep Skin AI’s profiling activities, please refer to the relevant section on profiling. Similarly, Deep Skin AI may collect personal data related to consumers' allergies to help deal with consumer product or treatment queries.

Children’s privacy

We understand the importance of taking extra precautions to protect the privacy and safety of children using Deep Skin AI products and services. Most of Deep Skin AI’s websites are designed and intended for use by adults. Where one of our websites is intended for use by a younger audience, we will obtain consent from the person with parental responsibility before we collect personal data where it is required by applicable laws and regulations (the age at which consent is necessary varies from Country to Country). If you are a child under the age where parental consent is required in your Country, you should review the terms of this Privacy Notice with your parent or guardian to make sure you understand and accept them. If we discover that we have collected personal data from a child without consent from a parent or guardian where such consent should have been obtained, we will delete, that personal data as soon as practical. Access to certain parts of Deep Skin AI’s websites and/or eligibility to receive prizes, samples or other rewards are generally limited to users over a certain age. We sometimes use your personal data to carry out age verification checks and enforce any such age restrictions.

Purpose of data collection

We collect, process and disclose your personal data only for specific and limited purposes. For example, to process your payments, to assess and handle any complaints, to develop and improve our products, services, communication methods and the functionality of our websites, to provide personalised products, communications and targeted advertising as well as product recommendations to you. We also create profiles by analysing the information about your online surfing, searching and buying behaviour and your interactions with our brand communications by building segments (creating groups that have certain common characteristics) and by placing your personal data in one or more segments. Additionally, Deep Skin AI processes your personal data also using automated means. An automated decision is a decision which is made solely by automatic means, where no humans are involved in the decision-making process related to your personal data.

We collect, process and disclose your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To process your payments, if you purchase our products, to provide you with your order status, deal with your enquiries and requests, and assess and handle any complaints;
  • To process and answer your inquiries or to contact you to answer your questions and/or requests;
  • To develop and improve our products, services, communication methods and the functionality of our websites;
  • For the purposes of competitions or promotions that you have entered;
  • To communicate information to you and to manage your registration and/or subscription to our newsletter or other communication;
  • To manage our everyday business needs regarding your participation in our contests, sweepstakes or promotional activities or requests;
  • To authenticate the identity of individuals contacting us by telephone, electronic means or otherwise;
  • For internal training and quality assurance purposes;
  • To understand and assess the interests, wants and changing needs of consumers, to improve our website, our current products and services, and/or developing new products and services;
  • To provide personalised products, communications and targeted advertising as well as product recommendations to you.

When we collect and use your personal data for purposes mentioned above or for other purposes, we will inform you before or at the time of collection. Where appropriate, we will ask for your consent to process the personal data. Where you have given consent for processing activities, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

In some cases, we rely on legitimate interest for processing your personal data. A legitimate interest could exist for example, when you sign up for a loyalty scheme with one of our brands and we use the personal data collected to conduct data analytics to improve our products or services. This ground will only be used where it is necessary to achieve a legitimate interest, for example to assist in the performance of a contract, or to optimise a service, and does not outweigh your rights as an individual.


Deep Skin AI uses your personal data to build profiles. We create profiles by analysing the information about your online surfing, searching and buying behaviour and your interactions with our brand communications by building segments (creating groups that have certain common characteristics) and by placing your personal data in one or more segments. These segments are used by Deep Skin AI to personalise the website and our communications to you (such as showing relevant content to you when you visit our site or in a newsletter to you), and to display relevant offers and advertisements from the Deep Skin AI brand on the Deep Skin AI website, and via third-party websites.

Deep Skin AI profiles your data where you have provided consent for us to do so; for example, accepting the setting of cookies on your browser online or signing up for email newsletters from one of our brands. You can withdraw your consent to prevent your personal data being used this way at any time by changing your browser settings, see section of our Cookie Notice or unsubscribing to the use of your email address if you have logged into one of our websites or signed up to any marketing newsletters.

By way of example – Deep Skin AI collects data, with your consent, from: Our websites about what you view and the way you interact with our content; Our digital display advertising that we serve to you on social platforms and other publisher’s websites; and Forms you fill in online and send to us about what your interests are. We also track the products you buy when you click on one of our display adverts and go on to purchase something from a selection of our retail partners. If you have asked to receive emails or SMS communications from us, we track whether you open, read or click on the content to see what you are interested in so that we can give you more content that we think you are more likely to enjoy. We use this data to profile your likes and dislikes. For instance, we may tailor our web content when you visit towards things we think you’ll be most interested in for example for your skin fitness plan/ skin analysis. Based on this profile information, we may also give you advertising that we think you will like and want to see as you view content from us or from our network of publishers that we advertise with. Sometimes, with your consent, we may use your current location to serve advertising to you that is to do with promotions or events that are happening nearby that we think you might be interested in. We may also use information you have provided to selected third-parties and consented to be shared, like your age, gender, life stage, lifestyle and wider interests to identify people who we think will have similar interests to you and who we believe will be interested in similar advertising.

Automated decision-making

In some instances, Deep Skin AI processes your personal data using automated means. An automated decision is a decision which is made solely by automatic means, where no humans are involved in the decision-making process related to your personal data. We will not make decisions based solely on automated decision making that have significant impact on you. If we do so we notify you and provide you with clear information about our decision to rely on automated processing to make our decision and our lawful basis for doing so. For example, Deep Skin AI processes your personal data using automated means only if it is necessary for the entering into or the performance of a contract with you, or when you have given your explicit consent. You have the right not to be subject to a decision which is based solely on automated processing and which produces legal or other significant effects on you.

In particular, you have the right:

  • To obtain human intervention;
  • To express your point of view;
  • To obtain an explanation of the decision reached after an assessment;
  • To challenge such a decision.

Who will it be shared with?

As a global business, Deep Skin AI shares your personal data internally and with selected third-parties. For example, we share your personal data with third-party service providers, other third-parties, as well as in case of business transfers or legal disclosure.

Third-party Service Providers

In order to carry out your requests, respond to your inquiries, fulfil your orders, honor coupons, provide you with samples, enable you to participate in sweepstakes or make various other features, services and materials available to you through our websites we share your personal data with third-party service providers that perform functions on our behalf, such as companies that: host or operate Deep Skin AI’s websites, process payments, analyse data, provide customer service, postal or delivery services, and sponsors or other third-parties that participate in or administer our promotions. These companies may use your personal data for other purposes such as collection of personal data, including IP addresses, digital identifiers, information about your web browsing and app usage for a variety of purposes, such as personalization of offers or advertisements, analytics about how you engage with websites or ads and other commercial purposes.

Other Third-Parties

Your personal data will also be used by us or shared with our sponsors, advertisers, advertising networks, advertising servers, social media networks, and analytics companies or other third-parties in connection with marketing, promotional, data enrichment.

Our Third Parties

One example of our third parties is DocMorris.

Business transfers

Your personal data will be used by us or shared with the joint data controllers for internal reasons, primarily for business and operational purposes. As we continue to develop our business, we may sell or purchase assets, subsidiaries or business units. In such transactions, your personal data generally is one of the transferred business assets but remains subject to the promises made in any pre-existing Privacy Notice (unless, of course, you consent otherwise). If another entity acquires us, our businesses or substantially all or part of our assets, or assets related to Deep Skin AI’s website, your personal data will be disclosed to such entity as part of the due diligence process and will be transferred to such entity as one of the transferred assets. Also, if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding is brought by or against us, all such personal data will be considered an asset of ours and as such it is possible they will be sold or transferred to third-parties.

Legal Disclosure

We may transfer and disclose your personal data to third-parties:

  • To comply with a legal obligation;
  • When we believe in good faith that an applicable law requires it;
  • At the request of governmental authorities conducting an investigation;
  • To verify or enforce our “Terms of Use” or other applicable policies;
  • To detect and protect against fraud, or any technical or security vulnerabilities;
  • To respond to an emergency; or
  • Otherwise to protect the rights, property, safety, or security of third-parties, visitors to Deep Skin AI’s website, Deep Skin AI or the public.

International Data Transfers

Deep Skin AI shares personal data internally or with third-parties for purposes described in this Privacy Notice. Deep Skin AI will only send personal data collected within the European Economic Area (EEA) to foreign countries in circumstances such as:

  • To follow your instructions;
  • To transfer it within Deep Skin AI;
  • To comply with a legal duty; or
  • To work with our agents and advisers who we use to help run our business and services.

If we do transfer personal data to outside of the EEA, Deep Skin AI will make sure that it is protected in the same way as if it were being used in the EEA. We’ll use one of the following safeguards:

  • Transfer to a non-EEA Country whose privacy legislation ensures an adequate level of protection of personal data to the EEA one;
  • Put in place a contract with the foreign third-party that means they must protect personal data to the same standards as the EEA; or
  • Transfer personal data to organisations that are part of specific agreements on cross-border data transfers with the European Union (e.g. using Standard Contract Clauses or Binding Corporate Rules).

Protection of Personal Data

Deep Skin AI takes the security of your personal data very seriously. We take every effort to protect your personal data from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Deep Skin AI takes the security of your personal data very seriously. We take every effort to protect your personal data from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Our measures include implementing appropriate access controls, investing in the latest Information Security Capabilities to protect the IT environments we leverage, and ensuring we encrypt, (and may in the future pseudonymise and anonymise) personal data wherever possible. Access to your personal data is only permitted among our employees and agents on a need-to-know basis and subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations when processed by third-parties.

Length of storage of personal data

We will keep your personal data for as long as we need it for the purpose it is being processed for. We will keep your personal data for as long as we need it for the purpose it is being processed for. For example, where you make a purchase online with us, we will keep the data related to your purchase, so we can perform the specific contract you have entered and after that, we will keep the personal data for a period which enables us to handle or respond to any complaints, queries or concerns relating to the purchase. Your data may also be retained so that we can continue to improve your experience with us and to ensure that you receive any loyalty rewards which are due to you. We retain the identifiable data we collect directly for targeting purposes for as little time as possible, after which we employ measures to permanently delete it. We will actively review the personal data we hold and delete it securely, or in some cases anonymise it, when there is no longer a legal, business or consumer need for it to be retained.

What are your rights?

Your rights in relation to your personal data how it is processed

You can exercise these rights at any point. We have provided an overview of these rights below together with what this entails for you. You can exercise your rights by sending an email to Where we process your personal data, you have a number of rights over how the data is processed and can exercise these rights at any point. We have provided an overview of these rights below together with what this entails for you. You can exercise your rights by sending an email, to

The right to be informed

You have the right to be provided with clear, transparent and easily understandable information about how we use your personal data and your rights. Therefore, we’re providing you with the information in this Notice.

The right to access and rectification

You have the right to access, correct or update your personal data at any time. We understand the importance of this and should you want to exercise your rights, please contact us. The right to data portability. The personal data you have provided us with is portable. This means it can be moved, copied or transmitted electronically under certain circumstances.

The right to be forgotten

Under certain circumstances, you have right to request that we delete your data. If you wish to delete the personal data, we hold about you, please let us know and we will take reasonable steps to respond to your request in accordance with legal requirements. If the personal data we collect is no longer needed for any purposes and we are not required by law to retain it, we will do what we can to delete, destroy or permanently de-identify it.

The right to restrict processing

Under certain circumstances, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. The right to object. Under certain circumstances, you have the right to object to certain types of processing, including processing for direct marketing (i.e., receiving emails from us notifying you or being contacted with varying potential opportunities). The right to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority. You have the right to lodge a complaint directly with any local Supervisory Authority about how we process your personal data.

The right to withdraw consent

If you have given your consent to anything we do with your personal data (i.e., we rely on consent as a legal basis for processing your personal data), you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time (although if you do so, it does not mean that anything we have done with your personal data with your consent up to that point is unlawful). You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time by contacting us with the details provided below.

Rights related to automated decision-making

You have the right not to be subject to a decision which is based solely on automated processing and which produces legal or other significant effects on you. In particular, you have the right: to obtain human intervention; to express your point of view; to obtain an explanation of the decision reached after an assessment; and to challenge such a decision. Further information and advice about your rights can be obtained from the data protection Regulator in your Country.

How do you contact Deep Skin AI?

The general point of contact for you for any data privacy queries you may have is If you have any questions or concerns about Deep Skin AI’s Privacy Notice or data processing or if you would like to make a complaint about a possible breach of local privacy laws, please do so by sending an email to When a privacy question or access request is received, we have a dedicated team which triages the contacts and seeks to address the specific concern or query which you are seeking to raise. Where your issue may be more substantive in nature, more information may be sought from you. All such substantive contacts receive a response. If you are unsatisfied with the reply received, you may refer your complaint to the relevant Supervisory Authority in your Country. If you ask us, we will endeavour to provide you with information about relevant complaint avenues which may be applicable to your circumstances.

How do we keep this notice up to date?

We will update this Privacy Notice when necessary to reflect customer feedback and changes in our products and services. We will update this Privacy Notice when necessary to reflect customer feedback and changes in our products and services. When we post changes to this statement, we will revise the "last updated" date at the bottom of this Notice. If the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice (including, for certain services, email notification of Privacy Notice changes). We will also keep prior versions of this Privacy Notice in an archive for your review. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Notice without your consent.

Additional privacy terms or notices

In addition to this Privacy Notice, there may be specific campaigns or promotions which will be governed by additional privacy terms or notices. We encourage you to read these additional terms or notices before participating in any such campaigns or promotions as you will be required to comply with them if you participate. Any additional privacy terms or notices will be made prominently available to you.

Messaging Policy

This Messaging Policy applies to SMS, MMS, Chat, and WhatsApp Business messaging channels. We all expect that the messages we want to receive will reach us, unhindered by filtering or other blockers. A key step Deep Skin AI and our customers can take to make that expectation reality is to prevent and eliminate unwanted messages. Towards that end, we strive to work with our customers so that messages are sent with the consent of the message recipient, and that those messages comply with applicable laws, industry guidelines or standards, and measures of fairness and decency.

Deep Skin AI Messaging

All messages originating from Deep Skin AI are subject to this Messaging Policy, which covers rules and/or prohibitions regarding: Consent (“opt-in”); Revocation of Consent (“opt-out”); Sender Identification; Messaging Usage; Filtering Evasion; and Enforcement. This policy applies to all customers who use Deep Skin AI’s messaging channels.

Consent / Opt-in

What Is Proper Consent?

Consent can't be bought, sold, or exchanged. For example, Deep Skin AI won’t obtain the consent of message recipients by purchasing a phone list from another party.

Consent Requirements

Prior to sending the first message, Deep Skin AI obtains agreement from the message recipient to communicate with them - this is referred to as "consent", we make it clear to the individual they are agreeing to receive messages of the type we’re going to send. We keep a record of the consent, such as a copy of the document or form that the message recipient signed, or a timestamp of when the customer completed a sign-up flow. The consent applies only to Deep Skin AI, and to the specific use or campaign that the recipient has consented to. Deep Skin AI won’t treat it as blanket consent and will not send messages from other brands or companies we may have, or additional messages about other uses or campaigns. Proof of opt-in consent is retained as set forth by local regulation or best practices after the end user opts out of receiving messages.

Alternative Consent Requirements

While consent is always required and the consent requirements noted above are the safest path, there are two scenarios where consent can be received differently.

  • Contact initiated by an individual: If an individual sends a message to Deep Skin AI, we are free to respond in an exchange with that individual. For example, if an individual texts Deep Skin AI Customer Services asking for our hours of operation, we can respond directly to that individual, relaying your open hours. In such a case, the individual’s inbound message to us constitutes both consent and proof of consent. The consent is limited only to that particular conversation. Unless we obtain additional consent, we won’t send messages that are outside that conversation.
  • Informational content to an individual based on a prior relationship: Deep Skin AI may send a message to an individual where we have a prior relationship, provided that individual provided their phone number to us, and has taken some action to trigger the potential communication, and has not expressed a preference to not receive messages from us. Actions can include a button press, alert setup, appointments, or order placements. Examples of acceptable messages in these scenarios include appointment reminders, receipts, one-time passwords, order/shipping/reservation confirmations, drivers coordinating address/pick up locations. The message won’t attempt to promote a product, convince someone to buy something, or advocate for a social cause.

Periodic Messages and Ongoing Consent

If Deep Skin AI intends to send messages to a recipient on an ongoing basis, we would confirm the recipient’s consent by offering them a clear reminder of how to unsubscribe from those messages using standard opt-out language (defined below). We would also respect the message recipient’s preferences in terms of frequency of contact. We will also proactively ask individuals to reconfirm their consent as set forth by local regulations and best practices.

Identifying Deep Skin AI as the Sender

Every message Deep Skin AI sends would clearly identify us (the party that obtained the opt-in from the recipient) as the sender, except in follow-up messages of an ongoing conversation.


The initial message that Deep Skin AI sends to an individual would include the following language: [“Reply STOP to unsubscribe,”]. Individuals would have the ability to revoke consent at any time by replying with a standard opt-out keyword. When an individual opts out, Deep Skin AI may deliver one final message to confirm that the opt-out has been processed. An individual must once again provide consent before we can send any additional messages.

Usage Limitations

Content We Do Not Allow

The key to ensuring that messaging remains a great channel for communication and innovation is preventing abusive use of messaging platforms. That means we never allow some types of content on our platform, even if our customers get consent from recipients for that content. Deep Skin AI prohibits sending any content that is illegal, harmful, unwanted, inappropriate, objectionable, confirmed to be criminal misinformation, or otherwise poses a threat to the public, even if the content is permissible by law. Other prohibited uses include: Hate speech, harassment, exploitative, abusive, or any communications that originate from a hate group. Fraudulent messages. Malicious content, such as malware or viruses. Any content that is designed to intentionally evade filters (see below).

Messaging Policy Violation Detection and Prevention Evasion

Subject to Deep Skin AI’s Privacy Notice, Deep Skin AI collects and monitors the content of text messages that are transmitted via Deep Skin AI in order to detect spam & fraudulent activity.

Third party Services

Deep Skin AI uses WhatsApp Business messaging to share important updates with customers and make our loyalty & rewards promotions feel more personal. WhatsApp Business Solution Terms

How We Manage Violations

When Deep Skin AI identifies a violation of these principles, where possible, we will collaborate with customers in good faith to get them back into compliance with this policy. However, to protect the continued ability of all our customers to freely use messaging for legitimate purposes, we reserve the right to suspend or remove access to Deep Skin AI’s systems for customers that we determine are not complying with the Messaging Policy, or who are not following the law in any applicable area, in some instances with limited notice in the case of serious violations of this policy.

Version: 20th December 2022