About Deep Skin AI

Deep Skin AI is a B2B skin analysis and product recommendation company at the Technical University of Berlin. Through the support of K.I.E.Z, we have been able to develop a skin analysis technology to be used in E-Commerce, Physical Retail and Research and Development for a clearer customer journey and skin analysis validity.

Our Mission

To increase the accuracy of skin analysis AI tools by using our patent-pending technology to work better on underrepresented skintones on data sets.

We are part of the Digi Derma Campus by the Dermatologist Associaton:



Deep Skin AI has won the LSE Funding Competition, People's Choice Award, Top 3 Innovation Award by the German Dermatologist Association, Technical University of Berlin Startup-Label, chosen Top 10 B2B Early-Stage Startups by the Schwarz family office, Startup of the week by Startupdetector and 2x Top 50 Digital Business Plans by the Founding Competition Digital Innovations of the Federal Ministry for Economics Affairs and Climate Action.

Our Team

photo Kai Fröhner CEO
photo Ludovica Lerma CTO
photo Astrid Badell Digital Marketing
photo Greeshma Balakshrinan Frontend Developer
Our Supporters:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Fröhner Advisor
Dr. Silke Michelsen Advisor Dermatologist

Office Location

Technische Universität Berlin
Abteilung V - Forschung, Centre for Entrepreneurship
Hardenbergstr. 38, Sekr. AM1
10623 Berlin

Contact Us

